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Poker Articles

Articles for beginning and advanced poker players and prop players

Cartoon: In Response to US on Online Poker

Poker prop article posted December 6th, 2006

A nice comic in response to the US on online poker.

PROFITABLE POKER: Limit Hold'em Tips In Defending Your Blinds From Habitual Stealers

Poker prop article posted November 17th, 2006

Part One - Defending the Big Blind
Everyone knows that not defending your blinds enough, can easily turn a profitable poker player, into a break even one at best. This is because we are paying out so much everytime that button goes around the table, that even a solid poker player can struggle to make a profit, unless he learns to defend the money he has been forced into placing into the pot.

What I have learned so far since doing this for a living!

Poker prop article posted November 17th, 2006

The things I have learned since deciding to play poker for a living not in any particular order:

Can Bets Really Speak to You?

Poker prop article posted October 2nd, 2006

There comes a point in your poker career when checks, bets, calls, and raises have much more distinct meanings than when you start playing poker. When you are a novice at poker, it's doubtful that you care to think about what the other player may have, you are concentrating on your own hand and the board cards. However, once you get to the point of actually thinking about what the other players may or may not have in their hands, that's when the checks, bets, calls and raises start "speaking" to you. Lets give an example from a typical mid stakes No-Limit Hold'em cash game.

Write The Book On Your Opponents: Beginners Guide To Expert Player Reads

Poker prop article posted October 2nd, 2006

Every poker player, whether new to the game or seasoned pro, knows that being able to build a good read on your opponents is an all important key to profitable poker. What few poker players know, however, is that making solid player reads is simply deductive reasoning, not divine intervention.

On Losing Streaks

Poker prop article posted October 2nd, 2006

Since my last essay was on the subject of luck, specifically bad luck, I thought it might be a good idea to delve a little further into the subject and discuss the worst thing that can befall a poker player: the dreaded extended losing streak. Bad luck in reasonable doses of course is not really such a bad thing. In the normal course of events, it kind of flies around indiscriminately, like some restless bird, landing first on this guy, then that guy, usually staying just long enough to deliver a painful peck or two to the top of the head before flying off in search of another victim.

Crush online Sit and Goes using Poker Tells and Scouting

Poker prop article posted August 9th, 2006

I've always enjoyed playing sit and go (SNG) and smaller multi-table tournaments (MTTs) on medium sized online poker rooms. The reason I prefer the medium size rooms is they tend to have a lot of regulars the same way the large rooms do. The regular poker players at the medium sized online poker rooms are much easier to spot because you get a chance to play with them often. The reason I enjoy playing with the same players often is because I'm very observant and have a great memory. It's easy for me to recall previous hands and remember what a certain opponent is capable of.

Be Prepared To Be An Azzhole - When Profitable

Poker prop article posted August 5th, 2006

There's a lot of advantages to online play versus brick and mortar, but none more profitable than all the information that you can have at your fingertips augmented by the information that others provide during play.

Is The Deck Stacked Against You? Not Likely.

Poker prop article posted August 5th, 2006

If you've played any amount of online poker, you've undoubtedly come across conspiracy theorists who claim that the websites you're playing on are rigged. Some will try to convince you that if you cash out too much money from your account, the site will penalize you by dealing you bad hands and bad beats.

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